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Showing posts from February, 2016

The Sprint… The Marathon… The Race… The FINISH!!!

I saw this tweet the other day from one of my favorite Christian artists growing up. Although I do not agree with the situation of his quote, there are a couple of parts that really got me thinking.  Kirk Franklin’s words read, “No sprints, but marathons… However long the race takes… Running at your pace… That won’t stop me from running.” If you know the situation and know the reasoning behind this tweet I am not wanting to focus on that at all. My sole focus is on this crazy race . What does it truly mean to run (with endurance) the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1) ? What does it truly mean when it says that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize, So run that you may obtain it (1 Corinthians 9:24 )? What does it truly mean to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14) ? This race is vigorous. This race is extensive. This race is excruciating. This race discomforts.  The Bible...

The Church - The Mission - Are We Getting It Right

I absolutely hate procrastination! Just ask my husband…  But I procrastinated to the very last minute to sit down and write this post. I could have written three to five other posts in the amount of time it took me to write this one. I was and am extremely nervous to share my thoughts on this topic because I believe God is trying to reveal something in my life personally. He is pulling and tugging at my heart. I have so much passion for this topic right now but I am not sure what I am supposed to do with it yet. It is hard to write about something that you are so passionate about because you want the words to be clear and interpreted correctly. Certainly, I know, there will be some that will miss the point, some may not care, but maybe… just maybe one person will get it. Maybe one person will catch on and see the vision. Passion, along with vision and attitude, is extremely contagious. Alright… enough chit chat. Here we go… So, where did this passion start? Where did i...