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The Sprint… The Marathon… The Race… The FINISH!!!

I saw this tweet the other day from one of my favorite Christian artists growing up. Although I do not agree with the situation of his quote, there are a couple of parts that really got me thinking. Kirk Franklin’s words read, “No sprints, but marathons… However long the race takes… Running at your pace… That won’t stop me from running.” If you know the situation and know the reasoning behind this tweet I am not wanting to focus on that at all. My sole focus is on this crazy race.

What does it truly mean to run (with endurance) the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1)?

What does it truly mean when it says that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize, So run that you may obtain it (1 Corinthians 9:24)?

What does it truly mean to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14)?

This race is vigorous. This race is extensive. This race is excruciating. This race discomforts. 

The Bible is packed full of illustrations, analogies, ect. Packed full of anything and everything that will help us to see the truth clearly and be able to apply that truth specifically to our lives. I absolutely love analogies and illustrations. To me it is like bringing a story to life; basically bringing a book into movie form. I see words written on a page. I memorize verses. I read the passages of scripture… some over and over… But it is the illustrations of my own life… The illustrations of others that make the words real. It is seeing God clearly in this commonplace. It is finding strength in Him alone to finish this race. To not only run (because everyone is running)… But to Win!!!

So… as I was thinking about the words of Kirk Franklin, I began to think about my own personal illustration/analogy. As many of you know, I absolutely love going to the gym to work out. It is a stress reliever and it is just something that I thoroughly enjoy. When I am there, I spend 40-60 minutes just on the treadmill. That is a long time to watch and observe others. While observing I came across a pretty great illustration for my life personally. One that helps me focus and apply truth to my own race. I thought I would share it with you today!

Every gym member at LA Fitness is there to work out. Basically that means everyone there is running “a race” so to speak. “The race” – Healthy living – Losing weight – Building muscle – Toning muscle – Building endurance – ect. “The race” is set before every single person that chooses to join LA Fitness or any other gym. The very minute the commitment is made and the contract is signed; the gun fires and “the race” begins… BUT do not think for a single second that “this race” (the workouts) looks the same for everyone. Do not think for a single second that the game plan to finish strong will be the same for every single person at the gym. No way!!! It was never intended to be that way. It is not a one size fits all type of deal (I always hated that saying).

The body builders have their protein shakes, their muscle milk, their bulk and shred weeks, their leg, arm, and back days, and they max out as much as possible.  The yoga and Pilate go getters have their mats, their complex stretches, their lean protein, their no sugar or carb diets, and they try to tone as much as possible. The endurance runners/athletes have their treadmills, their water (lots and lots of water), their new pair of running shoes every couple of months, their bananas, their wild salmon, their carbs, and they push their physical and mental frontiers every single time. Although the goal may be similar in context the game plan and course of action is without a doubt completely different. It would not be in the endurance athlete’s best interest to get side tracked by the body builders. To look over at them and start to doubt, question, and reconsider his game plan. It would not be in his best interest to divert from his track and start focusing on maxing out weights. His race, although the same in concept, is designed specifically for him. His race and game plan is pure strategy that can boost and generate the best endurance athlete only he can be; to produce an athlete that not only runs but WINS!!!

I believe God specifically designed our race. He strategically made a game plan that only we can run. He already has our course set before us (Job 23:10). He already knows how many hills we will have to climb and how many hurdles we will have to jump (Romans 5:2-5). And... Although it may seem like your neighbor’s race looks better than yours. And… although you may get side tracked by another Christian’s game plan. Please, I beg you, stay the course. Determine to yourself that you will learn your specific way to grow. Set your plan for success with God’s help. There is only one you!! There is only one way for you to win this race. Trust Him. Trust His plan. Remember it is not a sprint. If all we heard or read about the tortoise and the hare was the beginning; that they ran a race, we all would have thought the hare won by a land slide. However, we have heard and read the entire story; beginning, middle, and end. We know it is not about how fast you start… it is about staying the course… it is about the finish line.

So… no matter your pace right now. Just keep moving… Just keep growing… Just keep swimming!!!  

The Race with Him is possible. The race with Him is endurable. The race with Him is hopeful. The race with Him is more than obtainable. So run it with Him; in His name… and WIN!!!!


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