“What will the Galaxy 5G Phone really change?” A young girl holding her new Galaxy smartphone asked that profound question. Yes, I know you are thinking, is she really talking about a commercial. I am. You see, this one commercial about a new smartphone got me thinking. What will my outlook on life at this moment really change? What impact can my words or actions really have in the world we are living in right now? As I watched the commercial, a spokesperson for the smartphone went on to state that the phone would change way more than what the girl thought. Wow, what a simple answer to such a complex question but maybe simplicity is what I need to focus on right now. Half of my friends on social media agree with every aspect of the social distancing while the other half are calling for conspiracy. I have a few friends in the middle and some friends are just trying to make it through each day. I do not post a lot about Covid-1...