Mom!... Mommy!... Momma!... Ma!
These words are my identity, right?
I hear these words more than any other words in my children’s vocabulary (probably more than any word in the dictionary if I’m honest). Don’t get me wrong there is so much beauty wrapped up in three tiny letters, but if I am not careful I can easily get lost in the vastness of all that motherhood entails.
From the moment I open my eyes I hear “Mom, hungy” from my 1 year old and “Mom, is it time for breakfast yet? Mom what are we doing today? Mom, do I have school today? Mom, do we have church today? Mom, are you working today? Mom, can I watch a movie while you work? Mom, after breakfast when will it be snack time?” – Yes, my 4 year old son asks three to five questions to energize my barely awake brain every morning – Ultimately, this means from the time I open my eyes to the moment I close them, my entire day is solely focused on the needs/wants of others. Specifically the needs/wants of the two greatest gifts God has blessed me with.
-My children need me. So I do…
My children know without a doubt that I will take care of them with everything I have in me. They have confidence in me. They never worry. They know when they call, I will answer. Whatever it takes I will be the mom they desperately need me to be…
The sleepless nights… Eating even though I am full just because my daughter absolutely loves feeding me her leftovers… Wiping runny noses on my sleeve… Singing songs over and over just because they laugh… Reading countless numbers of books… Calming down the tantrums and making sure I teach through them… Snuggles and cuddles when they are sick… Devotions at bedtime… Holding my daughter while I go to the bathroom (every single time)… Listening to stories that make no sense, all the while admiring their imagination… Answering about 1,000 questions a day… Picking/sweeping up after every meal… Preparing three meals a day (with their health/nutrition in mind)… The missed workouts… The countless numbers of cartoons and movies… The playgrounds… The playdates…. The laundry… And the list goes on and on…
NO… SERIOUSLY!!! On and on!!!
Motherhood in all its glory. Motherhood is a gift from God. Motherhood is messy. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Motherhood is scary. Motherhood is exhausting. Motherhood is priceless. Motherhood is fulfilling. Motherhood is everything I imagined it to be and even more. Motherhood is an important calling. But Motherhood IS NOT my identity.
1 Peter 2:9 says “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
I am chosen! I am royalty! I am made to proclaim Him! Wow, this is my true calling and what a calling it is!
Jeremiah 1:5a says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.”
I am sanctified because of Christ! I am intentional and loved! I am a child of God (John 1:12). Seriously, a child of the One true King. I am sealed and anointed (2 Corinthians 1:21-22). I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
This is who I am! I have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of me. I choose to move forward in faith and in my true identity on a daily basis. I choose to not get lost in the mundane daily tasks I must perform. I choose to live like royalty even if I have snot and food on me all day long.
My identity is and forever will be in Christ alone!!!
So…. Mommas all over the social media world. Let’s unite and tell each other that no matter what motherhood throws our way, we are children of the King!! We are and forever will be ‘da bomb diggity!!!!
I'm sure you are a mom extraordinaire! I'm so proud to see you ministering to the church and to your husband and to your children. And, you're right - those ministries are not what gives you value ~~ you're the daughter of the most high KING! Very cool job!