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The Right Person Matters

My children are superior to many things when it comes to stripping any amount of pride I may have lingering in my parenting skills. They surpass all the failed speeches I ever gave, all the embarrassing falls, all the horribly missed basketball shots, all the uncomfortable doctor appointments, and all the awkward moments I have found myself in. Their innate ability to turn into Jekyll and Hide at any given moment makes them top dog when it comes to bringing me (as their mom) to my knees.

Braden has always been scared to death of the doctor’s office, shots, or anything that makes him in any way feel uncomfortable. He literally turns into the Hulk and it usually takes the nurse and I to restrain him for his shots. I knew this at an early age so I thought we should wait to take him to the dentist’s office until he was older. Although my intentions were good… This was definitely a huge mistake. Anyway, Braden’s first dentist appointment was a total train wreck. In all honesty, at one point I wanted to pretend he was not my kid… But I knew there was no way I could… I signed in as his mom. J I honestly thought they would kick us out and recommend we try another dentist’s office. However, amidst all the chaos, one dentist assistant stepped in and literally saved the day.

Her name was Jay. Jay, unlike the rest of us, was calm. Jay, unlike the rest of us, showed tremendous amount of patience. Jay, unlike the rest of us, let Braden set his own pace. Jay, unlike the rest of us, did not hesitate to throw out the normal routine and completely and dramatically change how everything was usually done just for my son; just for one small, scared little boy. She met Braden exactly where he was that day. She did not expect or request bravery before she helped him. She showed him kindness, compassion, and love. She showed him that it was ok to be scared but reminded him that he did not have to be because she would take care of him. It was only because of her that my son’s atmosphere changed. It was only because of her that his entire demeanor changed. He knew (because Jay showed him through her actions) that everything would be ok. He knew (because Jay showed him through her actions) that she would take care of him.

I was in total awe of the series of events that took place that day. I was in awe of how things changed so quickly when the right person was in control. I was in awe of how quickly my son responded. He was brave because of Jay. He was calm because of Jay. He was completely secure because of Jay. I could not help but pause and think about the many applications this whole experience had for my life.

There are many times I find myself wanting to turn into the Hulk; flail my arms, yell and scream because the world, circumstances, and life gets completely out of control. My insecurities seem too big to handle at times. My focus gets side tracked and my weaknesses and needs are the only thing evident at these times. The devil works hard to keep my focus off of the right person. The devil works hard to keep the chaos building. However, when I turn to the right Person, the entire atmosphere changes. God meets me right in the middle of my crazy messy life. He does not expect me to be perfect. He does not expect me to be brave. He does not expect me to have all the answers figured out. Instead, He surrounds me with overwhelming grace and peace and tells me it is ok to be scared… But reminds me that I do not have to be because He will take care of me. He has everything under control. It is when I turn to the One who made me that my entire demeanor will change. He will be my Guide (Psalms 32:8). He will be my Strength (Psalms 118:14). He will be my Refuge and my Rock (Psalms 62:7). He will be my Peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16). All I have to do is be still and know that He is God and only He is able.

There is a book I am currently reading entitled “God is Able” by Priscilla Shirer. There is a part in the book that talks about turning to God; making the right turn. Priscilla talks about how refocusing our attention onto God is a noticeable theme in both the Old and New Testament. She goes on to say “Fixing our eyes on Jesus is what makes us able to lay aside all the weights and sins and added pressures so that we are able to run with endurance, joyfully pressing ahead into a life that’s sometimes admittedly difficult but not defeating. Eyes on Jesus is the Bible’s proved antidote to growing weary, to losing heart, to giving up, to going down (Hebrews 12: 1-3). We may not yet see the solution in our minds, the answer to our prayers, or the money in our bank account, but we do see Jesus (Hebrews 2:9), and we know He is able.”

This world is not our home and this world can bring many hardships but no matter what… He is still in charge. No matter what… He is the right Person and the right person matters. So, keep your head up and turn around. Turn in the right direction and let the right Person change EVERYTHING!!!!


  1. Good story, illustration and application! Keep this going!


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