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That One Time I Was So Late...

The other morning I found myself in a state of panic as I woke up way too late. I looked at the clock and I could not believe my eyes.

It was 8:00am.

What?! You have got to be kidding me?! Not Today?!

Where in the world were my two beautiful blessings that always wake me up every morning at 7:00am sharp? They have never failed me before, even when I desperately wanted them to… they NEVER, NEVER, NEVER and I mean NEVER let me sleep in. Until now!! On the morning I needed to be up and out of the door by 8:15am. Yup, they chose that morning to sleep in. Just great…

As I ran around the house like a crazy person, I found myself frantically wanting to be mad at someone for my mistake. I wanted to blame someone for something I did (or even better didn’t do)….

BUT… I could not.

It was my fault.

I was the one that chose to not set my alarm clock the night before. I was the one that chose to rely on two children for my wakeup call. I was the one that chose to put absolute faith in two tiny little humans… who at the moment do not have consistency as one of their quality traits. I mean one of them changes what food she likes on a regular basis. One minute she loves mashed potatoes and the next minute she gags herself until she throws up just so she does not have to eat them. So, yea, consistency… umm not so much!

So… Who does that?

Who in the world would rely on someone/something with so many inconsistencies? Who would put so much faith in something that could so easily fail? Who would do that, when they have technology at their fingertips specifically designed to wake them up?

Yup… My alarm clock was just sitting there waiting, ready, and practically begging for me to use it.

But I chose not to.

It was my fault…

And no one was to blame but me.

So… With only myself to blame, I got ready in a whirlwind and was out the door by 8:25am. Not too shabby!!! As I was driving down the road reflecting on all that had happened and how I pretty much ruined my day in 25 short (but extremely long) minutes, I couldn’t help but think of how often I do the same exact thing in my Christian life.

I know the One who strengthens me.

I know the One who brings hope.

I know the One who heals.

I know the One who is victorious.

I know the One who is constant.

I know the One who brings joy.

I know the One who holds all things.

I know the One who made all things.

I know the One I need to rely on.

I know the One I should trust.

I know the One who loves unconditionally.

I know the One who restores all things.

I know the One who forgives all things.

I know the One who is in absolute control.

And yet… Somehow… Someway… Somewhere in the midst of this crazy life I find myself, at times, clinging onto people or things with so many inconsistencies.

I choose to rely on my own strength to keep pushing on when things get too hard and I just want to quit. I choose to depend on people, my ministry, and my health for my joy. I choose to have faith in material things for comfort. I choose to trust and have hope in my circumstances (when things are going well I am stable… when things are going bad… well… you know).

And it is only my fault.

No one else is to blame but me when I choose to ignore the One who made me.

God is waiting, ready, and begging me to come to Him.

He alone will bring me the rest and comfort I need.

People will fail. Ministry will fail. Things will fail. Health will fail. I will fail.

But there is One who NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, and I mean NEVER fails!

So I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in Him!!

His ways are higher!! His plans are always good!! No matter what I face He is always by my side, so I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in Him!!


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