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“What will the Galaxy 5G Phone really change?” A young girl holding her new Galaxy smartphone asked that profound question.  Yes, I know you are thinking, is she really talking about a commercial.  I am. You see, this one commercial about a new smartphone got me thinking. What will my outlook on life at this moment really change? What impact can my words or actions really have in the world we are living in right now?  As I watched the commercial, a spokesperson for the smartphone went on to state that the phone would change way more than what the girl thought.  Wow, what a simple answer to such a complex question but maybe simplicity is what I need to focus on right now.  Half of my friends on social media agree with every aspect of the social distancing while the other half are calling for conspiracy. I have a few friends in the middle and some friends are just trying to make it through each day. I do not post a lot about Covid-1...
Recent posts

Unwavering Peace

As a child I had the privilege to grow up in a Christian home. I went to church and learned about God and I heard things like “Peace that passes all understanding”  Philippians 4:7 “Don’t stress or worry about tomorrow because God is in absolute control.” Matthew 6:34 Isaiah 14:24 Jeremiah 29:11 These truths were etched in my mind early but I wouldn't truly know what they meant until later in my life. As time went on, my parents taught me about God on a deeper level because through them, I had a front row seat to see how these truths actually played out in life. You see, there is always a choice to be made when circumstances arise. The choice to stand fast and trust God or the choice to crumble and let the troubles of this life overtake you. As a young girl, I watched my parents make the choice to remain faithful over and over. Through every hardship, every pain, and every heartache they chose God EVERY SINGLE time.... and they still choose God!!! ...

Tuned to One Voice

“Turn it up”  “Let the game come to you” Those were some of the instructions I would hear on a constant basis during each one of my basketball games growing up. The funny thing is, there could have been hundreds of people screaming, coaches yelling at me, music playing, and buzzers going off but I still would have been tuned to the one person yelling in the stands. You see, that one person was my dad. My dad spent countless hours with me outside of practice, my dad knew the ins and outs of my game. He knew me as a person and as a player. He knew the right things to say to help kick my butt into gear so to speak. We spent time together, we learned from each other and when it came to game time... I was tuned to his voice. No matter the Chaos around me, no matter how many other voices I heard, his voice was the most clear. I listened when he spoke because I knew without a shadow of a doubt he wanted the best for me and he could see things that I couldn’t.  Now a...

That One Time I Was So Late...

The other morning I found myself in a state of panic as I woke up way too late. I looked at the clock and I could not believe my eyes. It was 8:00am. What?! You have got to be kidding me?! Not Today?! Where in the world were my two beautiful blessings that always wake me up every morning at 7:00am sharp? They have never failed me before, even when I desperately wanted them to… they NEVER, NEVER, NEVER and I mean NEVER let me sleep in. Until now!! On the morning I needed to be up and out of the door by 8:15am. Yup, they chose that morning to sleep in. Just great… As I ran around the house like a crazy person, I found myself frantically wanting to be mad at someone for my mistake. I wanted to blame someone for something I did (or even better didn’t do)…. BUT… I could not. It was my fault. I was the one that chose to not set my alarm clock the night before. I was the one that chose to rely on two children for my wakeup call. I was the one that chose to put a...

What You Do in the Darkness Makes You Shine in the Light

“It is what you do in the darkness that makes you shine in the light.” I heard this quote on a commercial for the Summer Olympics the other night and it really got me thinking. I think quite a bit… one of my strengths but also one of my weaknesses. The Summer Olympics are just around the corner. I am an Olympic junkie… well… Summer Olympics… I can take or leave the Winter Olympics. Anyway, I absolutely love everything about it. I love watching the competitors and hearing all about their incredible journey. Their price is great; their cost is great. Their physical, emotional, and financial boundaries are pushed to the limit in order for them to reach their full potential. They literally give all they have every single day with ONE HUGE goal as their primary focus. They are completely driven. They are completely sold out. They are completely dedicated to getting the job done. They desire one thing; to proudly represent their country and to WIN at all costs. The...

When Our Feet Fail

My sweet little Addison has found herself smack dap in the middle of a very clumsy stage of life. She literally gets hurt 6 times a day… Maybe even more. Most of her accidental injuries come with nice bumps and bruises on her head and face. The other day she was playing tag with Braden. She thought (in her 22 month old mind) that she would be faster running backwards I guess… So she decided to run as fast as her little legs could go backwards. Now… Obviously this was a terrible decision and would not end well no matter what. Nonetheless, she was determined. She was pretty persistent for a while and then she started tripping over her own feet. The same feet that she relies on (without thinking) to stand, walk, and run. The same feet that usually never fail, tripped her up so bad that she slammed into our glass end table. She slammed into it so hard that the entire table moved several inches. You could see the indentations from where the glass table used to be. Her response surprised ...

The Right Person Matters

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